Getting rid of your old laptop maybe more difficult than you think. It has a lot of data related to you.
Anyone getting access to your laptop can restore the data if you just delete the data.
Resetting your PC is a difficult task with all the complex actions involved. However, it is extremely important for you to secure your hard drive.
Physical destruction of Hard drive:
If your hard drive has significant information, the best option would be to remove it and physically destroy it. Though doing so will significantly reduce the resale value of the asset. But if data security is your priority, it is recommended to follow this step.
Reset to Factory Settings:
The second-best option is to reset your PC to factory settings. This is a complex step and requires external help if you are a beginner.
Disk wipe Software:
The third option is to use a disk wipe software such as DBAN, again this requires external help if you are a beginner.
Your local computer dealer or software installation consultants can help you with these steps. While doing so, make sure you don’t give away your disk.