Secure your passwords

a golden padlock sitting on top of a keyboard

One of the key aspects of securing your information is securing your passwords and it also happens to be the most challenging one.

Passwords are critical to secure your internet banking accounts or the social networking accounts.

1. Recommended Apps

Password Manager Apps

Remembering multiple complex passwords can be a hassle, so a lot of users opt for password managers such as Lastpass and many others. Password managers help you create secure passwords and help you save them online.


Bitwarden Free Password Manager

LastPass Free Password Manager


InfoSecyour Online Password Generator

Use the password generator feature on the website to create complex passwords.

Password Generator – InfoSecyour

2. Tips for Password Security

Create Strong Passwords
  1. Should be at least 8 characters long
  2. Shouldn’t contain your name or name of a person known to you
  3. Add numbers and special characters to make it difficult for someone to guess your password
Follow good password practices
  1. Refrain from using the same password across several social accounts. Same passwords make breaking into several accounts easier as a previously cracked password is the first choice of hackers to try for the new accounts.
  2. Set up security answers 
    • Select questions for which the answers are not available on your social networking profiles or none of your close friends know
    • You may pretend to be someone else while answering the questions and remember who you are pretending to be
    • Set up security answers which do not match with the security question. For instance, for a question which asks “maiden name of mother?” put your favourite colour as the answer
Regularly change and monitor your passwords
  1. Change your passwords regularly, especially for sensitive accounts, to prevent unauthorized access
  2. Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second factor, such as a code sent to your phone, in addition to your password.
  3. Don’t share your password: Don’t share your passwords with anyone and avoid writing them down or storing them in an unsecured location.
  4. Monitor your accounts: Regularly monitor your accounts for suspicious activity or unauthorized access and report any suspicious activity immediately.

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