Keep your Android Phone updated

Operating systems such as Android, Windows often release updates to their software to address bugs or security loopholes in their software. Hackers and malware often target devices running on outdated software. Hence it is extremely important for you to keep your phone updated.


Use InfoSecyour app

Open the INFOSECYOUR Mobile Security and Online privacy Android app on your Mobile phone and click Device scan icon on home screen. Scroll to Android Systems updates section to check if your mobile phone is running on outdated version of android.

You will also receive notifications from device scan if your phone is not updated

Home Screen of INFOSECYOUR app


Verify updates manually

Settings may vary based on your manufacturer

  1. Open the settings app and search for software updates.
  2. Open the software updates section to check when was the last update made and check for new updates


Security updates settings

  • Check for security updates by searching for security updates in the settings app
  • This screen will show if any security updates are available. Tap on the security update option to install the update

Note: Android handset manufacturers release software updates or Android updates at different times for each of their models. Hence all Android users may not be on the same version of OS

One thought on “Keep your Android Phone updated

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